In the summer season, how can we provide our wood surfaces with optimal UV protection? What good is a strong UV-resistant wood preservative? Do only outdoor wood or indoor wood surfaces need this special wood protection? Is the same UV protection for all types of wood ideal? When and how can we provide UV protection to our wood surfaces? Is there a cost-effective procedure for this that is really worth the time, energy and, last but not least, money invested? Does having effective UV protection change the look and color of the wood surface? These questions can quite rightly arise in connection with the UV resistance of both our indoor and outdoor wood surfaces, whether it is new or already treated wood. In this blog post, we try to shed light on all of this.

Tree protection - against what? Why do we need the right wood preservative for outdoor wood surfaces?
Wooden structures, wooden furniture, wooden fences, cladding, pergolas and facades placed outdoors, in the yard, on the terrace and in the garden are exposed to the elements. They are practically constantly exposed to them in the form of some harmful physical effect or heat or moisture, as in most cases they are either baked by the sun or soaked by the rain. We have already mentioned the importance of the water-repellent effect of wood preservatives in connection with our indoor and outdoor wood oil, as both of them make the treated wood surfaces very water-repellent. In addition, by the fact that our chosen wood preservative drains the water, we also help to prevent dirt from sticking to the surfaces, as dust and dirt molecules can also leave with the drop-down water droplets. Thus, there is a kind of self-cleaning effect, which reduces the chances of microorganisms (eg molds) settling. In connection with Rubio WoodCream, we also talked about the air permeability of this wood paint, which helps the wood to retain its own control, thus retaining its moisture content and natural appearance for a long time.
The invisible enemy, or the harmful effects of UV radiation on wood
What has been little talked about so far, though one of the most annoying environmental factors, is UV radiation. Under the influence of UV rays on wood surfaces, wood materials gradually lose their lignin content. (Wood species with a higher tannin content are the earliest.) As the lignin is emptied, the wood begins to dry out and then crack. Then, with moisture reaching the wood, whether it is rain or irrigation water, possibly natural water, harmful fungi settle more easily in the cracks and the wood starts to rot. On the other hand, due to the oxidation processes involved in the disappearance of lignin, the wood becomes discolored. Light, softwood species such as e.g. the pines will turn yellow, and the darker hardwoods will be even darker. So soon a piece of discolored, rotten wood from our initially aesthetic and natural-looking wooden structure will remain, which is not a very nice sight. To avoid this, you should carefully consider choosing the right surface treatment agent. Moreover, it is worth noting that not only our outdoor wood surfaces are exposed to UV rays, but also those indoor wood surfaces that are regularly exposed to sunlight, e.g. a living room floor with large windows is just as UV-protected as an outdoor patio.
Rubio Monocoat UV STOP - time-resistant UV protection
As we have become accustomed to, the Rubio Lab is always ready to solve burning problems, so we already have a wood preservative developed against the harmful effects of UV radiation. Rubio Monocoat UV Stop is a water-based preparation that must be applied to polished but untreated wood surfaces before oiling. As described above, wood species of different hardness show the effects of harmful UV rays differently, which is why they need a different kind of protection. Therefore, RMC UV STOP is also available in two versions. The UV Stop / Softwood version is specifically designed for light, yellowing soft woods, while the UV Stop / Banner is suitable for harder woods, as it does not significantly affect their appearance or color due to its transparency, so it hardly darkens already dark woods, such as oak or walnut.
In addition, this product contains 0% VOC, so it is solvent-free, making it completely safe for our environment as well as for users. It is suitable for manual application, whether in industrial conditions or for private use. The use of materials depends on several factors that significantly affect how much of the product we will need. Such e.g. wood density; the softer the wood, the more consumption is expected. We also have to take into account the moisture content of the wood, the ambient temperature and the way the wood is prepared. In the case of softwoods we will be able to treat approximately 15-20 m² with 1 liter of UV STOP, in the case of hardwoods it can be up to 20-30 m².
How to use UV STOP?
RMC is a UV STOP pretreatment agent, so we will need to use it in the preparatory phase of wood surface treatment. If you want to use wood that has already received a surface treatment, you must first remove all traces of previous treatments. In the case of a new wood surface, it is enough to properly prepare the wood by planing and sanding, and then if you want to achieve a really nice result, it is worth cleaning the surface from dust molecules with RMC Cleaner. The UV STOP can then be applied with an HWP spray gun, brush, roller or cloth, depending on the wood surface and how we like to work. The drying time is normally 2-3 hours, but in summer up to 30 minutes is enough for it. You can then apply the selected Rubio Moncoat wood oil, either the Oil Plus 2C indoor version or the Hybrid Wood Protector outdoor version.